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Old 02-22-2011, 02:00 PM   #16
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It's gonna be like Christmas when you get back. I buy a bunch of stuff during every deployment and I love coming back even more because of it lol.

That engine looks good!
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Old 02-22-2011, 05:41 PM   #17
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HA! I know! My wife tells me it's her goal to keep me away from my FD for at least the first week I'm back home.....she just doesn't know! She would also rather all those packages coming to my house not be car parts but stuff for her! I'll give her that first week though. She's a trooper and she knows this is my dream car. She tells me all the time she would rather have me back home working on my car then over here in Afghan-a-land or Iraq.

My goal is to have her up and running by the end of the summer. Gives me a little bit of time to play and get her tuned before it starts to get cold this fall. Then I'll finally get to go and drive my FD to DGRR for 2012. Hopefully I don't PCS to somewhere far as hell away so that I miss it then too!!
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Old 03-01-2011, 03:43 AM   #18
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Luckily I don't have a wife to keep me away from the car LOL. I almost did this past October but she left me while I was deployed this past summer haha. It's tough to not work on the car when you get back, and opening all the packages is too much fun haha.

I was planning on making DGRR this year but I'm not sure how likely that is anymore. Hopefully I'll be able to make it next year though so maybe I'll see you there.

Are you from Durham originally? I was stationed in Fayetteville before here and used to hang out with the rotary group in Raleigh. They're good people.
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Old 03-05-2011, 06:44 AM   #19
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Yeah, I used to hang out with the Rotary group in Raleigh way back when. I think I remember you coming to some of the meets. That was so long ago. I hear it's not like it used to be.
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Old 03-05-2011, 06:59 PM   #20
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Really?! I didn't know you hung out there at the same time. Did you have the FD back then? I'm having a hard time remembering cars other than the ones I always saw.

I have no idea what it's like there now, I'm not sure they do much anymore though.
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Old 07-10-2011, 09:45 PM   #21
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Well I'm back from Afghanistan! I got back about 2 weeks ago and my wife forbid me from touching anything car related for one week! So I've had a week to work on a few things and here's what I've got done so far. I cleaned up most of the parts I want to polish and I started on the UIM. All of these parts were hella dirty.

The UIM is just 80 grit right now. I still have a few trouble spots I need to get to and I'll start moving up in grits. Here's the LIM all cleaned up and ready to start the 80 grit also.

Also cleaning up and taking apart my TB so I can polish that too. All of the small parts are going to be either a gloss or satin black, I haven't decided yet.

I'm waiting on my order from jegs for all my AN fittings and SB line. All the fittings are going to be black. I bought a set of Garfinkle's AN adapters so I can continue to use the stock rails. I'm going to be running 550/1300. My mom picked up this polished Aeromotive fpr for me for my birthday while I was deployed a few months back.

I also picked up Garfinkle's coil relocation bracket that I'll install after I redo my engine bay. I'm trying to get all my parts cleaned up/polished/painted before I go on leave so I can get my engine back together so all I have to do when I get back from leave is redo my engine bay and slap my engine back in.
I make it sound all so easy. Still have a lot of stuff to do if I want to get her back up and running by September!
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Old 07-13-2011, 11:47 PM   #22
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That is so ballin' that your Mom buys you car parts LOL. My Mom just gives me shit for having what she calls "a piece of junk", but she is just giving me a hard time because she knows how much I love the car. Welcome back btw! I'm about to go again in 6 weeks LOL.
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Old 07-17-2011, 08:46 PM   #23
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Yeah, she's always like what do you want for your b-day and i'll send her a link to what i want and she'll usually get it for me.

Well I'm on leave in NC right now and wont be able to work on much until the 2nd week of Aug. I brought most of my parts to polish with me because I'm going to try and work on them and get them fully polished while I'm at my mothers beach house.... Well thats the plan anyways! Knowing me I'll get all liquored up and be a beach bum for the next 3-4 weeks!

I also got my order from jegs the day before I left for leave. All my black fittings and SB hose are here for my new fuel set up! Can't wait to get back and start building up my block!
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Old 07-18-2011, 12:38 AM   #24
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I know it's fun working on the car, but for crying out loud man, you just got back from Afghanistan and you're on vacation!!! LOL Funny you brought the parts with you though, that's something I would do too haha. Just don't get liquored up and THEN work on the parts haha.
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Old 09-06-2011, 09:57 PM   #25
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So.... Little bit of an update. I've got tons of stuff cleaned up/done but I don't have her back together yet. Still waiting on some fittings for my oil cooler and a couple more item to come in.
First up is my new engine coming together.

Next up I cleaned up my engine harness. Going to start to clean up my emissions harness this week.

I'm missing a connector on my harness for my oil level sensor. If anyone has a junk harness with one and would like to sell me just the connector let me know.

Last edited by FD3sAutobot; 09-06-2011 at 10:06 PM.
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