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94 MB build.....the time has come
Low compression on both rotors and coolant on the plugs is telling me it's time for a rebuild. My 94 has been good to me the past year and a half but I was always patiently waiting for this time to come. It's a good thing I'm deploying soon so I can start to stock pile shiny new parts! :biggthumpup:
While the engine is out I'm going to be repainting and cleaning up the engine bay. I've already started to tear stuff down and I'm getting ready to pull the engine this weekend if I can get ahold of an engine hoist sometime this week. Plans are to either drop it off to have the engine rebuilt before I deploy or while I'm on R&R. All depends on how much free time I can get to myself. I'm undecided at this point on if I want to keep the twins or go single....so I guess that's what I'll be pondering about my entire deployment. :dunno: I like build theads with pictures so stay tuned for some updates soon!!! |
WHo you having do the rebuild :)
David rotaryrebuildstore.com |
Good luck with your rebuilt and with your deployment. I'm starting to collect parts for my next rebuilt and I have the same dilema, single or BNR's. Have to admit that I'm leaning toward the single side. Looking forward to your finished project.
:rofl: @ David.....I figured you or Kevin would show up in here sooner or later. Got the oil cooler off and drained today. Also got the headlights, bumper, support, rad, and a bunch of other things off of the car. It makes me sad to see her like this and I'm also sad that I won't get a chance to drive her before I leave! Oh well, something to look foward to when I get back home! Expect some pictures tomorrow and lots more when the engine comes out this weekend.
@ prrex. If I can find a sweet deal on a good single set up while I'm deployed I'll go single. If not I'll stay with the twins. My main goal right now is to just get the engine pulled and prep for a rebuild in the very near future. I have so little time to get everything I want done before I leave but I know for a fact I NEED to get this engine pulled and start making calls to engine builders :D |
Got a lot done today. More stuff out of the engine bay and got just about everything unbolted so I can take out the engine. Last thing I had to do was unbolt the transmission from the PPF and I don't have a long enough extension.....so I'll go pick one up in the morning so the engine will come out tomorrow. Here's where I'm at right now... Crappy iPhone pic....
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v1...e/a2d33f1d.jpg Not much more to go. After I get the engine out and tore down to short block I'll go ahead and take the rest of the engine bay apart and prep for a new coat of paint. |
holy wow a little paranoid about the front of the car? lol thats alot of body work for an engine pull.... then again my fenders are in need of some work from the ol belt buckle and who knows what else before i got to it lol
z |
Well I figured the best way to clean the engine bay and get it painted was to take everything off the front of the car. Besides when I get back and she's running right she's going to get a new coat of paint :D
Whew....long day.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v1...e/IMG_1390.jpg Almost out.... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v1...e/IMG_1391.jpg Almost out!!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v1...e/IMG_1392.jpg It's out! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v1...e/IMG_1393.jpg Shelves and Boxes of parts that need cleaned... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v1...e/IMG_1394.jpg Got up this morning and got the engine out :D Wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I probably wont be saying that when I go to put in back in though :ack2: Next will be to break the engine down to short block and start cleaning/prepping the engine bay. I'm trying to get as much done before I go on block leave later on this week.....Knowing how my wife is I probably wont get shit done before then or before my deployment! :rolleyes: |
Looking good, should make it a lot easier to clean the engine bay. Couldn't help but notice the duffle bag, did that dance many of times. The old duffle bag drag, lol.:rofl:
I haven't forgotten about this thread! Just been busy with stuff you know like being deployed to Afghanistan! I'm a little over halfway through my deployment so it's time to start gathering parts for my build. Should have this beautiful engine in a few weeks courtesy of Crispy over at the 7club.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v1...engine10-6.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v1...engine10-5.jpg I'm in the process of getting everything together to upgrade my fuel system to all SS braided and adding a second oil cooler via Howard Coleman's write up. I've got a few other things I want to do like polish some parts and re-wrap my main engine harness but I wont be able to do that until I get back home. As of right now I'm planning on staying with the twins. I'm thinking about getting in on the BNR stage 3 GB going on over at the 7club. All depends on if I can get my wife to send them out! Also depends if a nice single set up becomes available and just falls in my lap! I'll keep this thread updated as much as I can!@ I hate when build threads just fall off the face of the earth never to be updated again. As I accumulate more parts and its closer to me coming home expect more updates! :biggthumpup: |
engine looks sweet. did you get it ported?
Awesome man. BTW thanks for everything!!!
I'm thinking about having my wife send my harness over here so I can simplify/re-wrap it during my down time...which I have a lot of :hurray: . Anyone have a link to a good place to purchase wire, crimps, hi temp tape, loom, etc? I've got 5 more months and I can easily knock this out while I'm here. Any help would be appreciated. |
check out the wire tuck thread on honda tech http://www.honda-tech.com/showthread.php?t=1693934 one good thing about hondas. they are so plentiul theres a lot of good info and knowledgable people
Got the engine last week from Crispy! Waiting for my wife to send me some pictures. Also received some fuel rail adapters from Garfinkle so I can upgrade my lines to steel braided. Still waiting on my aeromotive fpr though. Should be at the house soon. |
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