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rebuild first start, CEL 5 and 25, smoke from turbo side
got my rebuild started for the first time today :). but 2 current codes im working on:
05 - Knock Sensor 25 - Solenoid (Pressure Regulator Control) had a 16- EGR Valve that i already figured out (loose connector) any common wiring problem that can contribute to both 05 and 25? i already reset the ECU to see if they would go away on their own but no. checked the connection on the knock sensor.. looks good. checking solenoid will have to wait until tomorrow morning. also, i have a exhaust leak from around the turbos/dp that i had before the rebuild.. and has not gone away. not sure where it could b from. |
figured out all the CEL codes. fixed.
now about that leak :) |
Is it a bad leak?? Might want to make sure the surfaces are good and clean. sometimes the old gaskets can leave some crud on there.
Did you replace the the gaskets all the way from housings to downpipe?
did not change the housing to manifold gaskets.. those were in extremely good condition. also did not change the smaller manifold to turbo. downpipe i have visually checked and no leaks there.
it looks like a bad leak due to the rebuild smoke at the moment, but in the past honestly the only times i noticed it were during deflood when a few wisps of white exhaust would float up from the area. i guess maybe this is where i should have spent the extra cash and bought new gaskets, not sure they looked pristine and i had them cleaned off pretty good :) |
You are going to see a lot of smoke and steam from the turbo area of the engine bay on a new install. This is grease from your hands and any bolt lubricant burning off of the turbos. It is extremely common and should clear up within 30 mins of the car idling or within a 10 min drive if you take it around the block.
David |
Just curious, what did you get figured out on the CEL codes?
+1 on burning off the anti-seize etc. It actually took me an hour or better of run time before the clouds began to break up and the smell went away. But that included hi-temp paint on the DP and heat sheilds, and new header wrap. Keep the windows up on your car and the HVAC fans off. |
CEL pointed out some of my mistakes:
egr wasn't plugged in correctly. solenoid plug was loose knock sensor was plugged into the power steering female end so.. i learned not to do engine work when im tired.. most of those wiring points i did previously at 4 or 5am in the morning when i did my marathon assembly of the engine bay. hopefully the smoke will clear, didn't run the car today yet. thanks for the encouragement |
smoke cleared.. downpipe wrap.. . the car is very easy to start and idles at 1.5k
more issues with the car i get a weird squeal/chirp after i let go from a quick rev to 2k from 1.5k(idle speed). not a bov not sure what it is? sound happens only if i release throttle quickly. not sure where the sound is originating from. -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrvhsBGqB9Q the cooling system is gurgling like CRAZY now sitting in the garage (car is off). a lot of the sound seems to be coming from the ast/filler neck area.. and the block? -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22jHimAIPsU clutch has a ton of free play and it is sometimes hard to shift into 1st and R gears when engine is on. other times it is Ok but definitely not normal. i had issues with bleeding.. where it reached a constant feel but still have a lot of play, still not sure what to do with this. did manual rack conversion and the steering wheel alignment is WAY off. i'll adjust that soon. |
*For the scraping sounds, maybe double check all the heatshield fasteners? Just first thing that came to mind.
*Gurgling common from air still in the system. When it cools, burp (squeeze) the upper radiator hose with the filler cap off and add coolant as needed. Top off AST too. *For whatever reason, I've had issues getting all the air out of my slave in the past. Seemed like it took forever. Speedbleeder or Motive kit would probably make it alot easier. |
don't think its the heat shields, i'll poke around though. seems to me more like air whistling or something moving quickly that is rubbing(??) not sure how to describe.
i'll try the burping for the coolant, sounds like a good plan :) thanks i was looking into speed bleeder/motive recently. maybe its finally time to get one. |
Check the ISC for the squeeling noise, disconnect it and see if that helps. When they start to go bad they make all kinds of cool noises.
started it up to do a coolant burp but didn't know if it was safe to disconnect the isc while it was running. pulling on the throttle cable from underhood i was able to listen a bit better , sounds like rear of engine possibly under uim(so isc could def b it).
It is ok to disconnect it while it is running, if the car is already idling under 1000 rpms I wouldnt do it as it will probably stall and foul out the plugs. I always adjust the idle screw before disconnect to give my self a buffer so that the rpms wont drop to low.
well it wasn't the isc.
then i listened some more today, and my roommate agreed.. turboside... hmm. so im gonna have to narrow it down from that side of the uim/lim to the turbo :( still noticing that if i rev up slow and down slow , no squeek. any quick release or rev and it will. oh and its idling at 1.5k is that just normal for rebuild or is high idle possibly related to this issue? |
Ive heard loose O2 sensors make a loud rattling noise but not really what you describe. Almost sounds like you some turbo issues as if the wheels are rubbing the housings.
turbo was fine before.. nothing was done to it hmm.. i'll check the o2 but that was also untouched. |
Sounds very similar to the noise a fd will make while under boost and one of the metal y pipe gaskets is a little loose between the ypipe and turbos because it isnt tightened all the way, never heard it while revving a car up though.
may have found the problem, i did have the avc removed, must have done a bad job with the gasket.
http://www.rx7club.com/showthread.php?t=665613 will b a week till i find out, time to study for exam week :) |
it was the ACV. took care of it yesterday afteroon. so if anyone ever wonders, this is what it sounds like lol. also the acv can be taken out while the rat's nest is left in, no need to remove the rack. use a deep socket 10mm 1/4 drive and a wobble extension. get the socket on the fastner first then attach the wobble. easy. used some tape to stick the bolt in the socket during reassembly.
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