03-27-2011 03:24 PM |
hypocrit porting molester more like it!
Originally Posted by Judge Ito
(Post 144970)
Peter, peter dick eater.. Peter let me tell you something. If you only knew who the fuck your talking with. but thats not here nor there. You have been kicked out of every forum. and to be honest, there is no need for it. you do have valuable information and you do contribute. but you go about it in the wrong way. I refuse to attack you personally, cause i could care less about who the fuck you are personally. this is simple, just keep it clean. no need for your childish shit. and if you want to visit me. simple Advanced Rotary Performance. 181 Grand St Paterson NJ.. 973-653-4084 pussy. it goes to show how limited your brain size is. this is about trying to maintain a site from falling apart like every other site.. peter seriously. your a good guy, just grow up a little. your in your 40's already.. cheerss.
LOL, you have issues :icon_tdown: you say, think one thing,and type three different things all in the same paragraph!, stop hiding behind your key board :o13: