View Full Version : cleaning!!!
07-12-2009, 08:46 PM
hey guys. so im gettin ready to park the 7 so i can really give it some good work. i want to do EXTENSIVE cleaning underneath the car as far as the rear end and stuff. so im just curious if there is a good way of cleanin all that stuff besides the general soap and water. Thanks :) im lookin forward to a good time rebuildin!:001_005:
07-12-2009, 08:49 PM
Get a good degreaser... I like SimpleGreen personally.. let it soak on there for a while and use a nice pressure washer to cut through the grime....
07-12-2009, 11:12 PM
ok. ill keep that in mind. its gonna be really nice to go through all that stuff and have clean things :). i dont think its been clean since 86!
07-13-2009, 12:22 AM
just pull it all apart and put a urathane bushing kit on and clean it while its apart! and when your working on it you can curse at me for the idea.
07-13-2009, 02:45 AM
just pull it all apart and put a urathane bushing kit on and clean it while its apart! and when your working on it you can curse at me for the idea.
I like how this man thinks.
07-13-2009, 06:07 AM
Simple Green + scotch brite + toothbrush + goggles + particulate mask + creeper + lots of swearing = clean undercarriage.
Or, do like we did with my buddies TII. Strip ot down completely and put it on a rotisserie
07-13-2009, 04:44 PM
just pull it all apart and put a urathane bushing kit on and clean it while its apart! and when your working on it you can curse at me for the idea.
hahah you read my mind about the bushings... they are waitin patiently in the box :)
need RX7
07-13-2009, 05:11 PM
Strip ot down completely and put it on a rotisserie
I want to do that so bad. Ever since my first FC, I'm super paranoid about underbody rust, but from what I hear applying undercoating overhead is a PITA. I'd imagine doing it on a rotisserie would be a breeze though.
07-13-2009, 07:17 PM
im planning on putting in black interior so it will be all stripped out anyway. ill just clean it the best i can with it on jack stands
07-13-2009, 07:50 PM
im planning on putting in black interior so it will be all stripped out anyway. ill just clean it the best i can with it on jack stands
Interior is probably the lightest of all the parts that need to be stripped. The entire car should be down to a bare chassis as in not one single nut, bolt or even wire is left. That's how we did it anyway.
I want to do that so bad. Ever since my first FC, I'm super paranoid about underbody rust, but from what I hear applying undercoating overhead is a PITA. I'd imagine doing it on a rotisserie would be a breeze though.
It's FILTHY. And that shit gets EVERYWHERE. We used a shutz gun so applying it by roller would probably be a little "neater" but still. Tape off EVERYTHING that you don't want that crap on and I mean EVERYTHING. We used painters tape and it still got underneath it. I hate it, but yet I can't wait to get my car on that same rotisserie this winter and do the same thing...... and treat a little cancer while I'm at it too.
07-13-2009, 08:45 PM
oh cancer.... thats not fun. in the few spots i have repaired its not really hard its just a pain in the ass. i really do plan on strippin the whole chasis down. i want to see EVERYTHING and know that i can get everything new :)
07-13-2009, 08:49 PM
08-14-2009, 05:05 PM
I wish I had access to a rotiserie. I've got to do some major side frame/inner rocker repair to do. lots of de-rustification and bracing panels as well a couple small replacement patches. then I have to make some new outer rockers. I'm planning on cleaning and coating the entire underside with metal ready and POR-15. doing that to most of the rest of the car to, getting it close to bare chasis.
BTW guys, if you are using POR-15 over large painted sections, industrial paint stripper is your friend. POR-15 only bonds and prevents rust when it is in direct contact with metal. POR-15 is the best stuff I've ever used for rust prevention so check it out.
08-14-2009, 11:12 PM
we built ours out of 4x4's and welded together some 1/4" brackets to mount it to the bumper supports.... actually my friend built the wood stuff and I welded the brackets. Either way it wasn't that hard at all.
08-14-2009, 11:22 PM
so the whole thing was made out of wood and that supported all that weight! wow, you have any pics of it. also what kind of wood did you use, I know they were 4x4's but any details?
that is awesome that he did that and it worked. I need pics to see if I can do the same thing, would be so much easier and probably take half the time to finish the project. help a follow rotor head out!
08-17-2009, 12:14 PM
POR-15 is good stuff, its what I've been using. I've got my entire front clip undercoated with it now and am in the process of doing the entire underside. I am going about it the "overhead" way which isnt too terrible, just dont wear clothes you want to keep, lol.
Luckily my car has no rust (that I've found yet) so we're on track. I'll have a rotiserie like end result with all the extra hours of manual labor :)
Its nice though - you'll thank yourself when you're done. I plan to keep my FC for the next 50 years so yea... take the time now...
08-17-2009, 12:42 PM
Ya, I plan on keeping my FC for a good long time too but mine has rust everywhere. mostly just surface but my side frame/inner rocker is a little swiss cheesey so I am tackling that. I considered just fiber glassing over the holes in my out rocker and selling it to get a new one but I felt bad giving a car like that to someone so I decided to keep it. that and its a little difficult to find an FC without a sunroof. mine is pretty much a GTUs cept its a 10/85. its got 5 lug, 4 piston brakes up front and 2 piston back, no rear wiper, no AC, no pwr steering and the emissions were removed. no power anything or cruise, everything is manual (even the check engine light is manual! S4's didn't have the light, you need to use the check plug and lights) also have the aluminum hood and the little mini duck bill stock spoiler. I think someone was trying to make it a GTUs but they didn't make those in that year.
I have been slowly taking out my interior now and nothing looks too bad from the inside. the whole rear sections are out and looking great, now working on the floor pan interior/rug stuff. thats where I think I will find more problems. after I'm done though, it will be like brand new!
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