View Full Version : Climate control/Heater control plug (NEED INFO)

02-20-2009, 12:02 AM
I just picked up a 88 GXL that is fully gutted and im slowly piecing it back together.can any body give me any info on this plug that comes out of the climate control.do i relly need this,since the wires were cut off from my car...any info would be AWESOME!!!! BTW i dont have ac,but i can sure use the HEATER!!!!:001_005:

02-20-2009, 10:27 AM
You could probably get a used one cheap here or on ebay or from a scrap yard. I think you do need it for your heat/AC to work unless you want to do a bunch of custom wiring (I'm gonna hazard a guess that you don't). It's a real pain to remove/install though. Unless someone knows something I don't. I had to replace mine and the toughest part was unplugging/plugging in the main harness for it, it's way up under the front part of the dash. I think I had to remove the gauge cluster and disconnect the speedometer. Sucked.