01-16-2009, 07:21 PM
after rewiring the fuel pump relay to with to the fuel pump connector.. my car runs great, it seems to have a lil more power in the higher rpms. but there is a catch. coming off the freeway from from 2.5k rpms to idle it doesn't return at times it'll cut off!
*lol (oh and just to add to that my brake switch crapped out on me too. i bought another one from mazdatrix.)
and then there is the hot start problem... run the car drive it here and there and its at operating temp. turn it off and it floods. about one or 2 tries it'll catch. i do crank it for more than 10 seconds to get it started.... be here is another thing.. i went to my friends house and about an hour later i came out and it won't start so mmm i thought it was flooded, pulled the egi fuse and crank for about 5 secs, 3 times and then put it back and the car came on... and i had to hold the throttle down to keep it going. and the idle i know of course is going to be crap.. and it idles like crap.. i drive more briskly shifting around 2.5k or higher. my idle is currently not good its jumpy around 750 rpms and less at times.. almost like its going to die...
im begining to think.
-too much fuel from new pump ?
-timing is off?
-tps needs to be readjusted?
-serivce injectors i know i have been slackin on this one.
im think im going to start to do what iliketoeatricers from tould me about holding the throttle at 3k and then cut the car off. to reduce chances of flooding. tell me what ya'll think. and thank you for the imput.
after rewiring the fuel pump relay to with to the fuel pump connector.. my car runs great, it seems to have a lil more power in the higher rpms. but there is a catch. coming off the freeway from from 2.5k rpms to idle it doesn't return at times it'll cut off!
*lol (oh and just to add to that my brake switch crapped out on me too. i bought another one from mazdatrix.)
and then there is the hot start problem... run the car drive it here and there and its at operating temp. turn it off and it floods. about one or 2 tries it'll catch. i do crank it for more than 10 seconds to get it started.... be here is another thing.. i went to my friends house and about an hour later i came out and it won't start so mmm i thought it was flooded, pulled the egi fuse and crank for about 5 secs, 3 times and then put it back and the car came on... and i had to hold the throttle down to keep it going. and the idle i know of course is going to be crap.. and it idles like crap.. i drive more briskly shifting around 2.5k or higher. my idle is currently not good its jumpy around 750 rpms and less at times.. almost like its going to die...
im begining to think.
-too much fuel from new pump ?
-timing is off?
-tps needs to be readjusted?
-serivce injectors i know i have been slackin on this one.
im think im going to start to do what iliketoeatricers from tould me about holding the throttle at 3k and then cut the car off. to reduce chances of flooding. tell me what ya'll think. and thank you for the imput.