View Full Version : WIRING HELP/ Tips?

10-25-2008, 10:42 PM
Ok, so my vert is almost there, I just need some help to figure out where these three wires go to.

I have three wires left:


and two of these left over:


One wire is on the charging harness, and has plastic insulation over it, the other two are on the body harness, and their colors are: black with red stripe, and green with either an orange or a faded yellow stipe.

Thanks for the help in advance!


PS: Phoenix, in case you read this thread, you never did send me that Master Cylinder bro! :D

10-26-2008, 07:34 AM
The wire attached to that resistor type box is a ground of sorts. Find the resistor a good ground (usually the clutch slave bolts are good places for it) and connect the other end to somewhere on the harness near the oil pressure sending unit, I forget what the pin looks like right now. As for the large single connector you have circled (the black heavy gauged wire) that I think connects to the starter.

10-26-2008, 02:28 PM
I'm still confused, lol.

10-26-2008, 02:35 PM
the resistor box should be bolted down on one of the slave cylinder bolts.
the wire that is tied into the charging system goes to the resistor box.
#2 on the firewall I think stays unconnected.

not sure about #1.

10-26-2008, 06:34 PM
Ah, ok... lol, well, I'm gonna attempt to hook it up that way, and then hook up the battery and hope none of my wires melt off...

If that goes well, the next step is oil and try to crank in over, and after that, fuel and coolant. Wish me luck, I'm really paranoid right now because I think I might have messed something up doing the amount of work I have.

Thanks for the help!