View Full Version : FC gas pedal widening options?

12-29-2012, 05:56 PM
Hey, all.
What are the latest options for widening the gas pedal? The way I sit in the FC, my right leg is bound up a bit by the wheel, and I can't swing my heel as easily for heel-toe.

I'm looking for a decent option for widening the gas pedal. I found this initially:
Autovation Technologies (http://www.autovation.net/products/Mazda/FCRX7/FCRX7_pedals/repo/No_logo_MT_4pc.html)
I'm not really looking to replace the whole set for grip or anything, though. Just the gas pedal, which that doesn't seem to widen that much.

I was wondering if the NA/NB Miatas had the same gas pedal as the FCs? If so, I could use this:
Flyin' Miata : Interior : Ergonomics : FM gas pedal extension (http://www.flyinmiata.com/index.php?deptid=&parentid=&stocknumber=21-74900)
And it'd be a more reversible install.

12-29-2012, 11:02 PM
Any number of (universal) pedal kits will work...
All of them should work.
There really isn't such thing as model-specific.
There are two basic types:
1) bolt-on, usually with screws / bolts and straps of metal
2) screw-on, drilled and screwed into your existing pedals
Both types are basically "removable."

I prefer Razo brand pedal kits.


12-29-2012, 11:10 PM
Any number of (universal) pedal kits will work...
All of them should work.
There really isn't such thing as model-specific.

Only issue would be the size of the base you're screwing into, right?
From what I can tell, the FM cover and the Autovation set have the same slant and hole spacing.

01-01-2013, 02:43 PM
same as autovation, about $30 cheaper all options being equal (minus the titanium option as they don't do that) unless you've got a GOOD discount code.