View Full Version : Blitz SBC/MMD i-Colour questions

12-04-2012, 11:41 AM
For my build I was pretty set on using the Blitz SBC-iD boost controller. Recently I was browsing through a local classifieds website and found an SBC-iColour for sale for a very good price.
Link Here (http://alberta.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-auto-parts-tires-other-parts-accessories-Blitz-electronic-boost-controler-W0QQAdIdZ437177389)

I wasn't planning on buying it used but for 4-500 dollars cheaper and the colour display, I'm really considering it. Would anyone recommend against buying a used boost controller? Of course if it was in crap condition then I would pass but if it appeared to be "mint" like the ad says, is it still something to be wary of?

Also, for those of you who have used this boost controller, are there any failsafe devices that you recommend to go with it?