09-09-2011, 09:55 PM
I Have an Engine purchaced from japan compleate with tranny one of those ebay deals you see floating around. When it arrived I was actuly shocked. I was in good shape. Clean and from what I could figure out fairly low millage. they all say 50 to 60k yea yea. But maybe I got lucky mine is strong and good compression. clutch was factory and looked to be if guessing 40k or so millage on it or I hope. Anyhow I was trying to identify what year this engine is and how. The ecu is N3A7 the AC compressor has 134a labeled on it. thats all I could find for clues. As my 1994 FD USA has R-12 compressor.:confused::confused::confused: Is there any numbers on the engine that might point to the year? if so where might I look. Thanks.