View Full Version : Alarm Siren and bastard children

04-19-2011, 11:40 AM
Just wondering if the alarm siren will block airflow through the intake? For now the engine is OEM with the filter box and such.
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/217622_1860045695244_1063965498_31944265_1262071_n .jpg

I was leaving for work the other morning and my neighbor comes out to warn me that a neighbor girl (6-7 yrs old) was crawling up my front bumper and trying to walk across my hood to climb in through the open top of my convertible!!!!! The mother has been spoken to, but to make sure I'm putting an alarm on.

The vert is soon to be turbo swapped so the OEM intake is soon to be gone. I'll be using a cone filter and the filter box will be gone. I doubt the siren placement will cause problems, but wanted to make sure before I buy a bracket and bolt the siren in place.

04-19-2011, 12:23 PM
Bratty kids... with neighbors like that you need a garage more than an alarm! To answer your question, that siren is pretty small, so I wouldn't worry too much about it blocking airflow to the radiator or the air intake.

04-19-2011, 02:15 PM
I'd love to have a garage and am trying to put myself in financial shape to become a home owner. Housing prices can't get much better than this, and you can't beat first time home owner perks.

I didn't figure siren placement would be a problem, but I also know that with cars small seemingly insignificant details make a big difference over time.

I'm spending today removing the stereo and alarm from my former turbo swapped vert and at least laying the ground work and wiring for the stereo and alarm going into the new turbo vert. You never realize all the work going into these jobs till you see it all piled on the ground waiting to be cleaned and put back in a different car!!!

BTW once my rebuild and swap are done I'll be selling a vert. It's southern with no rust. Needs a new top and I'll be parting out the N/A engine. This would make a great turbo swap project for someone.