View Full Version : Opinions Please, useable or not?

FC Zach
12-23-2010, 04:30 AM
I need to replaced my rear rotor because of a bearing failure. I have a good one to replace it. As I was inspecting all of my spare rotors I came across one rotor that looked good everywhere except on the corners of one side of all the apexes. Its very minute to me but just curious if it would be usable on a future motor. I took picks of all 3 corners at two different angles.

Here's one:

FC Zach
12-23-2010, 04:33 AM
Corner 2:

FC Zach
12-23-2010, 04:37 AM
Corner 3:

12-23-2010, 05:14 AM
No feeler gauge specs?

What are you building the engine for?
If it's just for a street car, I would reuse it.


FC Zach
12-23-2010, 07:26 AM
No feeler gauge specs?

What are you building the engine for?
If it's just for a street car, I would reuse it.


I have to wait till i leave work which will be here in a few min, before I can get the measurements.

This particular rotor will be a back-up rotor, for the future. maybe a possible candidate for my ghetto P-Port project.

12-23-2010, 09:30 AM
Hello fczach,
Reading your post and photos about your concern with your rotor slots and read through most of the replies on the forum. Here are a few ideas for you and others that have been part of this conversation.

There is obvious damage, but as others have said, you can make it work as many have. However, that damage will contribute to you performing less than optimally.

Agreed, machining to 3mm and using thicker seals can be risky and expensive at best especially given your lack of proximity to machine shop, etc.

What if there were a way to add more material to your slots to fill in the gaps/wear/damage and get your rotors back to factory spec. clearance? That's not really practical, but if there were OVER SIZED APEX SEALS, that would essentially accomplish the same thing ... give you more material to work with.

That is the thinking behind a cost effective solution from Goopy Performance that is inexpensive and requires no special machinery or expertise. Here's how it works.

1. Goopy Performance OVER SIZED APEX SEALS ... for all of the RX-7 Apex Seals that we manufacture. We produce these seals with an additional few thousands of material. So in the example of your 2mm 13B seals instead of being factory stock .115, these seals are .118. By using these seals it is like we just put .003 of new material into your slots.

2. Goopy Performance ROTOR CLEANING KIT ... that includes a high quality flat file that fits into your rotor slots, a .0015 Feeler Gauge (= Factor Clearance), and two stainless steel wire brushes to clean your corner seal slots.

When you try to put the over sized apex seals into the slots they probably will NOT fit, but they will be close. So all that you need to do is CAREFULLY take a few passes with the file on the inside of the slot, keeping the file FLAT and TRUE against the inside walls of the slot and begin to remove some of the rough edges at the top of the slot on both sides.
Do NOT remove too much material at any one time before testing with your new oversized seals again. Probably still doesn't fit but getting closer. Continue to remove material from both sides of the slot and be sure to keep the file FLAT and TRUE against the sides of the slot as you proceed. Remove material along the sides to the full depth of the slot.
Retest and continue to remove old, damaged and excess material until the seals just fit into the slot. Pretty easy, correct?
Now you have another .0015 to go. That is NOT much material so proceed CAUTIOUSLY. Continue to remove material from both sides until you can just fit BOTH the oversized seal PLUS the FEELER GAUGE.
When they together fit perfectly into your slots you now have "FACTORY SPEC" ROTOR CLEARANCES!

No buying new rotors, no machining 3mm slots and hoping your rotors are not ruined, no 3mm seals, no running rotors and apex seals that are way out of spec and leaking compression like and old engine ... just your rotors back to spec!

fczach, there is more info. on our web site or feel free to call for assistance.
Reply if you would like contact info., pricing, etc.
Good luck and looking forward to being of help.

Goopy Performance

FC Zach
12-23-2010, 11:02 AM
Thanks for the insite, I'll keep that in mind on the budget p-port build. My current build now is all set.

The first corner I fit at most a .010" gauge on either side of the apex at that corner.
2nd: .009"
3rd: .010"