View Full Version : Bit of an emergency question here...

11-24-2010, 04:52 PM
Hypothetically, say party A is a dunderhead and forgets to put tape over the ports of the L-LIM...and accidentally drops a 1/2" copper washer down the leading primary runner...what is the likelihood that washer will damage anything upon startup or turnover?

11-24-2010, 05:09 PM
100% eventuality. What you can hope for is that the rotor was in the way of the port opening and it didn't go into the chamber. Take the LIM off and get it out!

11-24-2010, 05:26 PM
Since it's a copper washer, a magnet won't work, so get a shop vac and try to suck the washer out.

11-24-2010, 09:43 PM
If Party A is lucky the copper washer will be stuck in the intake runners, but the LIM still has to come off to be sure.

11-24-2010, 10:06 PM
Or use a borescope.

11-24-2010, 11:30 PM
Or use a borescope.

This is what my dad was thinking. Since my mom is a RN at St. Joes, I was hoping she could get me a discarded endoscope. :biggrinjester:

Going to grab one of the cheap ones they sell at...[sigh] Harbor Freight. Crossing my fingers that FerociousP is right.

11-25-2010, 12:18 PM
Turn the motor upside down and shake it until the washer falls out. :)

Seriously though, good luck man. At least you know that you dropped it in there, which is better than finding out the hard way I guess...


11-25-2010, 12:31 PM
This is what my dad was thinking. Since my mom is a RN at St. Joes, I was hoping she could get me a discarded endoscope. :biggrinjester:

Going to grab one of the cheap ones they sell at...[sigh] Harbor Freight. Crossing my fingers that FerociousP is right.

Hey! There is NOTHING wrong with Harbor Freight! LOL I can't leave there without a handful of things each time I go, which I suppose defeats the purpose of it being so cheap if you don't actually need the tools haha.

You might get lucky and the rotor will be in a position where it's holding it right there in the intake section. When I was building my engine back in 08 I accidentally broke the plastic injector piece (I forget what it's called now, but it's the piece that disperses the fuel even more) and it went down into the engine. I about lost my mind. I took off the LIM and the rotor was in the right position for me to reach in and take it out, so you might get lucky like that too.

And if your Mom can get her hands on an extra borescope I'd take one too. LOL

Good luck.

11-25-2010, 01:26 PM

I can't go into Horror Freight... or Grainger... or Sears for that matter. Although the Sears card I have has about 50,000 points on it so I'll be getting myself something nice for x-mas.

Is the engine in the car? If so, pull the LIM. If not, rotate the engine itself, NOT the eccentric shaft at ALL and see if it pops out. The other thing to try is one of those extendable pickers

11-25-2010, 02:24 PM
Ah diffuser, that's it! Thanks!

11-25-2010, 02:26 PM
Guys, how hard is it to remove the LIM? Not the middle section (which I thought was the LIM...maybe the MIM?) I just don't see any bolts and I get the feeling it's going to be hell trying to remove.

11-25-2010, 03:30 PM
Piece of cake. If you've got the UIM off, there should only be a few bolts and a few studs at the block. Haven't dealt with an S5 in ages though so I'm definately NOT the one to ask for a step by step.

11-25-2010, 03:44 PM
Guys, how hard is it to remove the LIM?

Much Much easier then a rebuild :D

I have no idea about S4, or S5 but the REW it s quite simple... 4-5 bolts maybe...?

just take your time, and if you find it, be very careful when trying to pick it out, I've been in a little bit of a rush and pushed things father into the engine.. (it was the broken fuel diffuser now that I think about it... :P)

best of luck


11-25-2010, 03:53 PM
Well, managed to break another 2 vac lines moving the lower spider enough to remove the air control valve. I swear to [deity] I'm this [] close to buying a carb setup for her.

Sigh... The air control valve is off. Still can't see where the flying f*** the manifold bolts are, the shop manual isn't much help right now. Taking a break as I'm frustrated enough at her right now, going to make another attack later. At least it isn't as cold today as it was yesterday.

11-25-2010, 04:40 PM
Buy a bit of thin plastic tube, stick it in the end of a vac and seal it with masking tape on and stick it down the runners and it will pick the washer up. Simple

11-25-2010, 07:00 PM
The more I delve, the more I find out. So, in the hopes of gaining some access to the LIM bolts, I remove the airpump. I read the shop manual procedure, and go out. Now, I'm wondering why the heck can I not find the adjustment bracket. Then it hits me:

THERE IS NO adjustment bracket! So all this time, the support bolt/hinge has been keeping tension (or not) against the air pump belt.

NEVER buy a FC for $1000 off eBay.

So in all seriousness, before I loose my mind, anyone have nay tips for getting at the bottom two and rear two bolts on the LIM?

11-25-2010, 10:38 PM
Handskills? Did you try the vacum cleaner idea of mine? I got a part of a zip tie out of mine by that.

11-25-2010, 11:22 PM
Don't have the right materials for a hose on hand. Plus, I've already invested so much effort into removing the LIM that I'm following through with it if it kills me. As an enthusiast, I must not be defeated by this, I must persevere!

11-25-2010, 11:24 PM
Handskills? Did you try the vacum cleaner idea of mine? I got a part of a zip tie out of mine by that.

+1... I suggested a shop vac many posts ago as well. I can vouch for the fact it works - saved my a$$ in a similar situation - dropped one of the fuel rail bolts in the LIM once and the shop vac sucked it right up.

11-26-2010, 11:31 AM
I got it out! I had to remove both 5/6 port actuators and then the LIM but I got it out!

Very lucky I was. The runner had 'chuted' the washer so it traveled at the port horizontally. The port necked down enough that the washer wedged horizontally in the port, so it never actually entered the block.


So now I just have to reassemble the lower intake tract, finish replacing the oil injection lines, pressure test the fuel system, and reassemble the whole shebang.

Peace, and thanks for the support!

11-29-2010, 10:18 AM
Do it to it Lars! congrats on NOT doing something that we've all had that little adrenaline shot thinking about if it happened to us...