View Full Version : Changing front wipers' automatic stop position

08-13-2010, 08:23 AM
Got my wiper switch rebuilt and is now working on all speeds which is very exciting. But I've found another issue now which is that the wipers seem to have their automatic stop position about 1/2-3/4" too low. So at their lowest position one wiper blade is trying to sneak under the other wiper arm.

Have spotted the wiper motor, but what's the best way to adjust the automatic stop position for them?

08-13-2010, 08:47 AM
Why not adjust the wiper arms themselves? Remove the nut, move them up a few grooves and reinstall the nut.

08-13-2010, 09:13 AM
^what he said. I don't think there is a way to adjust what the motor does.

08-13-2010, 09:14 AM
See the best thing about my questions is that they make even dumb people feel smart by being able to give an answer (not meaning you, by the way!). That was such a simple solution, and it worked!

Cheers :)

08-13-2010, 09:18 AM
^what he said. I don't think there is a way to adjust what the motor does.
Neither did I, but I read this in the FSM which is what got me thinking:

08-13-2010, 09:32 AM
Glad it helped you resolve your issue.

08-13-2010, 11:00 AM
...I was going to say.

The wiper motor itself is internally set to where the stop position is.
If there was an adjustment, it would be internal to the wiper motor.

I think your wiper motor is malfunctioning and needs replacing.


08-08-2011, 06:51 PM
I had to unseize my complete wiper arm assembly out of the car and in pieces.
Necessary adjustments had to be undertaken because nothing was marked before disassembly.(a real pain)
So ,mark all wiper arm positions if you ever have to diaasssemble the whole unit.