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Old 06-14-2009, 07:00 PM   #1
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Default FC3S: SuperNow vs GT-1 motorsports front hubs

I heard from a friend's friend who lives in Japan that the SuperNow hubs are setup to have serviceable bearings. Are the GT-1 Motorsports hubs the same way? Also, it looks as if the front studs are longer and I wonder if you guys know the lengths of the studs. The last thing I'm curious of is if you guys know the weights of these hubs vs the stock aluminum ones.
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Old 08-26-2009, 04:47 AM   #2
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KSP Attain actually supply the hubs to GT-1 and they have the options of either including OEM bearing to their hubs or with out. so the bearing are indeed serviceable as well.

The studs that come with the hubs are the same length as stock, but they can be removed and longer studs installed. The longer studs can either be 10mm or 20mm longer.

I would imagine the hubs are heavier then stock as they are made out of steel as opposed to the stock aluminum ones.
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