Xcsessive AZRR improved oil Pan
So I like the cast XM oil pan, the only issue I have is it sits low and will break rather than dent. No good, the fact is it does not have a oil level sensor, no is it drilled for one. So that being said Rich and I have put one in and also very important we added a baffle to work just like the stock system. So oil gets low you will know something is wring before you smoke an engine.
The benifits out way and fear of this breaking if you can monitor it. The pan adds needed oil capacity and gets rid of iritating leaks and stiffins the engine.
Here is arizona they are a great mod for a relible 13brew.
Check out the picture, all pans bought from now on will have this sensor location drilled and a baffle installed unless some one does not want it, I dont know why you would not want it but we will offer it to you however you like.