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Old 09-28-2012, 09:25 PM   #1
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Driveshaft U-Joints for non-turbo


I have a 1987 RX7 non-turbo with an automatic transmission. The forward U-joint gave out, and I learned I need to replace the whole driveline to fix it. I was wondering if there is any other way around this, like drill out the old U-joint and put a new one in the existing driveline.
I thought I could fix it for a hundred bucks or less, but wherever I have looked so far, the cost is almost $300 bucks for a new driveline.
Maybe I am not looking in the right places for what I need.
I love this car; my favorite one I have owned - not that I have owned that many.
I only paide $400 for it, but I think it was well worth three or four times that.
It has low miles, not yet turned over. I once snuck it up to 130 mph, and it seemed like it could have gone faster, but I didn't want to chance it.
I knew it was the U-joint going south when it started clinking when I shifted from park, and later started vibrating.
When I removed the driveline today, I saw it was down to its last few miles - I think I was pretty lucky.
Thanks in advance for any comments toward what I am thinking of doing about it at this point. I do have access to the means to drill out the old U-joint. I just don't know how hard it would be to stick another U-joint in the existing driveline. The rear joint seems to be in good shape, no detectable play at all.
I will try to be diligent about checking for responces for the next few days; even moreso if I get any hits to this thread.
Everyone I have met who owns an RX7 has been very friendly, but those folks have been people who I meet here and there around town - no one I know how to contact at this point.
I live in Salem, Oregon.
Thanks for reading.

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Old 09-29-2012, 10:44 AM   #2
FC Zach
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Unfortunately the factory driveshafts were subassemblies and were not serviceable although I believe I have heard of people repairing these, I imagine if you have a driveshaft shop close to you they could tell you whether or not it's possible.
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Old 09-29-2012, 11:12 AM   #3
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I have seen write-up's for FC turbo driveshafts but not for a non-turbo one.

If the two are similar, then this is what needs to be done:
The U-joints are tack-welded into place, so that's why they are not serviceable.
You'll need to grind out these tack-welds to remove the U-joints themselves.
Once you get the U-joint out, it's just a matter of finding a correct replacement.
I, too, recommend you finding a local driveshaft shop that can help you.
If you're unable to handle the above procedure, I'm sure they'll be willing to do the whole job for nominal costs.
I would think they should be able to do this job for $100 or less included both U-joints.

Good luck!

I also took the liberty of redoing your Title, so that maybe we'll get more interest in this thread.

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Originally Posted by TitaniumTT View Post
because you're only as good as your backup

Last edited by RETed; 09-29-2012 at 11:30 AM.
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Old 09-30-2012, 08:24 AM   #4
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Mazdatrix sells aftermarket replacement driveshafts that come balanced and include the new U-joints which are serviceable if you ever need to replace a U-joint again. Cost for the 86-91 FC's with an AT is $267 plus shipping. My guess is they have a local driveshaft shop build these up for them and they just sell them for a little profit. You might want to try Rock Auto and any of the other online parts dealers to see what they would charge.
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Old 10-01-2012, 12:16 PM   #5
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Greetings Friends,

Thanks all for your helpful responses; thanks Ted for renaming my post title.
I found a website that offered detailed instructions to do exactly as I posted I was hoping to do, and I also found a local shop that sells the u-joints I need; they also could do the work for me, but I don't know yet for certain I can afford that - but I am definately going to buy a kit from them for $30 this morning. I am going to take the driveshaft with me to show them, and see what they'll offer to get the old u-joint(s) out. I have about $90 to work with, so I'll be back later to post how that went.
The detailed instructions:

William (Chiputapec)
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