Greetings Rotorheads!
Hi, my name is Alex Kauntz, I live in Ohio. Just finished my freshman year at Miami University in Oxford, OH and I am majoring in electrical engineering. I came here from the Mazda247 forums because ultimately I believe they did not want to discuss modification in detail.
My backround with rotories is really just interest and a ton of research. No one around me really enjoys and values rotory engines (or even knows what they are) like I do, so I was hoping to find a place to talk about my interests! My oldest brother owns an 06 Subaru Impreza STI, my older brother owns a 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and I am the yougest, owning nothing of my own. Yet. My dream would be to own some kind of rotory car, either an rx8 or, if it comes out, and rx9. Being forced to settle I would probably buy a Mazda, be it MS3 or the new diesel tt Mazda 6.
To end things off nicely I give you a humorous quote:
"I keep trying to put some cams in my car, but these funny dorito shaped things keep getting in my way!"