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Old 03-26-2008, 11:14 PM   #1
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Most responsive S5 cloolant gauge ever? The vert's endless problems.

Ok, so just how FAR into the "oh shit" zone does the S5 coolant gauge need to move in order to declare an engine a total loss? Is ANY movement toward the top bad, or does it have to be way up there?

I have read a ton of negative things about S5 coolant gauges on out cars, and Believed that if it moves... you are fucked... intill tohight that is!

My car, for $1000, came with a ton of problems.

The first, is about 90~95 psi of compression, and really wierd starting....

The clutch pedal is TOTALLY out of adjustment, far enough to make me consider a worn out clutch, and maybe a damaged arm? The car idles funny, it goes up to 2000RPM, and warms up... then falls to 1500 and bounces around there, going "Wraam-Brrrp-wramm-brrrrp-wraaaam-burrp" Also, the throttle cable is shot, the rear brakes started to grind after I left the hand brake on overnight... The engine was running low on oil, so I filled it up... then I noticed the FRAM, and went right back in to get a purolator and some 10W-40 Penzoil. Anyway, today, my coolant buzzer went off, and I drove carefully, and went straight to a gas station, turned the car off, and filled up the coolant-overflow bottle with a $10 bottle of peak coolant. The car did not want to start back up. I sat there for a while, and eventually it started.
I dove around a bit more, and noticed the gauge was a TINY bit higher on the scale then I remember... Then I pulled over, engine running, and called a friend.. he didnt pick up, so I decided to go home. Then I noticed the coolant gauge even higher! I was like, OH SHIT! I parked the car ASAP and turned the engine off. IT sounded like it was bubbling like mad, and coolant was spilling out of the little spout in the overflow tank cap. I called annother friend, and we towed it to his house nearby. I went back to the car 2hrs later, and checked the coolant again. The overflow bottle wasnt full anymore!
I filled it up again, and then mamaged to start the car... the gauge did not take long to show "1/2" AT ALL! I drove it home really quick, but was careful to not go over 3K rpm's, and parked it. The gauge read 1/2 still.

With a 20 year old car you get for $1000, stuff is pretty much expected to happen, but still, damn, why all at the same time? (body, brakes/susp. engine trouble?

I'm about ready to order a buch of block off plates, and go to town on the engine, taking out as much crap as I can to still have i be livable on the street. The car's problems have me going right now.
Rotaries:They are NOT that complicated!
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