Time - 10AM to 2PM
Lunch around noon time!
We can stay as late as we want since the gates close at 8:30PM!
Details - Food and drinks provided, guests donate to the cause!
Yes if you really need or want to bring something you can!
Directions - Get up early Saturday morning, eat breakfast, pack what you need (camera, sunscreen, Frisbee, radio, etc), get in your Mazda vehicle (leaving early enough to be there at 10AM) and drive yourself (and friends) to Falls Lake Shelter #28, pay $5 at the gate to get in, go to the shelter and park your car, get out and ooh and ah over all the other cool Mazda cars, meet and greet all the other cool people, check out all the cool cars, take lots of pictures, socialize, donate to the cookout and eat, take more pictures, socialize and check out the cars again, nibble on leftovers, set up for group shots of people and cars, socialize some more, pack up and drive home safely after enjoying a wonderful day at the cookout.