So I have permission to use our work parking lot for a caravan to DGRR 2011! I plan on meeting in Raleigh, NC on Capital Blvd at Eastern Rod & Customs before the event. We will hang out until everyone arrives and then head off for the event. We will discuss details as the event gets closer but anyone who is thinking about coming feel free to add and remove yourself from the list as need be. There will be plenty to look at before we head off for the DRAGON! Hopefully we can have a ton of people this year!
Eastern Rod & Customs is located on Capital Blvd inside of the beltline. PM me for an address and for any questions regarding the caravan. Feel free to drop by the shop anytime for any reason though, we always welcome everyone for showing the shop cars off!
1. Name - Username - Car - Expected date you're leaving (Wed, Thurs, Fri etc)
1. Aaron - ledgebmx - 93 RX-7 (TBD what engine/turbo since it blew up 1/3/2011.) - Thursday AM