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RX-7 2nd Gen Specific (1986-92) RX-7 1986-92 Discussion including performance modifications and technical support sections.

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Old 02-25-2009, 06:10 PM   #1
n/a is gay
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no fuel need and electrician

ok this is going to be a very complicated thing so just bear with me for a second.
i have an 86 rx7 n/a. right now the fuel pumpis not turning on. the the circuit opening relay is not working. because it is not getting a ground form the brown wire. i jumped it with a ground so that the pump would turn on but the car still does not start. it just floods the engine. now i tested the afm and it seems to be fine from what the shop manual says so now im stuck with a constant ground it floods with it just wired normally it does not even turn on. here is the wire diagrahm for what im talking about
the relay im talking about is on page 30 its marked f-08 and the brown wire is not getting a signal what should i check next it is so close to starting and i just want to finally drive it
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Old 02-28-2009, 11:33 PM   #2
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If I understand your problem correctly, the brown wire going to the fuel pump needs to be grounded for the fuel pump to operate. This is the way the system should work. I don't know why the brown wire is not connected, but it should be grounded all the time.

The flooding is a different issue. If you ground the brown wire coming from the fuel pump and then follow the de-flooding procedures found elsewhere on this forum, you should be able to get the engine running. If you can't, I suggest a poor mans conpressions test (listen/feel for even strong pulses out the spark plug hole when cranking).

I don't see any fuel pump relay identified on page 30 of the manual, but I can tell you that the circuit opening relay is just above the brake pedal.

I wish I could be of more help, try the de-flooding and let us know how it goes.
1986 GXL ('87 4-port NA - Haltech E8, LS2 Coils. Defined Autoworks Headers, Dual 2.5" Exhaust (Dual Superflow, dBX mufflers)
1991 Coupe (KYB AGX Shocks, Eibach lowering springs, RB exhaust, Stock and Automatic)
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