On the bleeding issue.....
I've once done a R&I of my trans to fix a blown clutch. That time, and only that time, I had a FUCKING NIGHTMARE getting the clutch bled. I had to bleed and bleed, and vaccum, and un bolt the slave and hold it upside down, sideways, etc.....it was over the course of a two week period and 2 litres of brake fluid. It would stick ever so slightly here there. Not exactly like what you're describing though as it would only ever stick at the bottom of its throw. But you would swear up and down there was no air in the system, but yet - there was.
But nonetheless, I've had the bleeding take 5 minutes, but sometimes (I have no idea why) it is a ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS. I'd recommend taking sometiem with yourself and a buddy and give it a go for a while. The bleeding of course.....