The clutch master and slave are Beck Arnley, the Clutch kit is Luk. All parts are new not rebuilt/reman. I had this exact same issue before I replaced the master and slave which is why it seems really unlikely that it's the hydraulics. I'm not getting any binding in the pedal on the way down, it just sticks on the way back up or sometimes all the way down or sometimes not at all. The shop has also rebled the hydraulics three times and the reservoir has been full the entire time so I'm 99.9% sure it's not air in the hydraulics or a leak.
Another reason I have a hard time suspecting the hydraulics is because the issue seems to present after about 20 minutes of driving once the motor is hot AND I've only had the problem while the motor is running... now it could be that my method of testing after I shut off the car is insufficient... perhaps I should shut it off and hold the pedal down for a couple of minutes at a time to see if it keeps pressure.
Another thing that may point to the source is that where ever the clutch pedal sticks becomes the engagement position of the clutch unless I pull the pedal back up. So, if the pedal sticks 2 inches from the floor and I leave it there, I only barely have to push it in to disengage the clutch.... which I've been having a hard time getting my brain around... but I suddenly think that does point squarely at the master...
1988 GXL