Thread: Clutch Woes
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Old 03-27-2009, 01:30 PM   #9
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If you are not feeling any binding and the pedal moves freely you could well have a bad master, does the pedal stay to the floor? Is the master new or rebuilt aftermarket? Bleed by in the master is common especially when used a lot when a master is bad.
If the pedal stays to the floor when sitting at a light then works fine suspect master.

If you are feeling a stepping or binding, I would suspect TOB/fork/trans front cover issue. Anyone that knows about these TOBs lubes the front cover sleeve and packs the TOB groove with some sort of good grease. All I use are Mazda new parts so I don't know what sort of issues arise with non-Mazda parts. Beck does have good product so I wouldn't think the clutch itself is the problem. Unless there is something to do with it's install.

I wouldn't recommend adjusting the pedal with the rod, there should always be a little bit of play from pedal up to contact with the piston. You will wear out a clutch in short time if there is no play. I have had to replace a lot of clutches because someone adjusted a clutch with the pedal rod. It is a hydralic system so it is self adjusting. But yes check it make sure there is some play.

Last edited by rx4ur7; 03-27-2009 at 01:40 PM.
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