Originally Posted by Herblenny
DGRR 2009 Crew Schedule..... If you want to join us, please let us know and we'll hang out..
Thursday April 16th, 2009
Leaving Bham, AL - 8AM- 9AM
Lunch in Chattanooga, TN - TBA (12-2PM)
Check in at Nantahala Village - 3-5PM
Drive to the Dragon for a quick round trip... or two... or three
Dinner - 7-9PM
Hang out at the lodge talking about cars and such..
Friday April 17th, 2009
Hang out/chill in the morning - 7-9:30 AM
Drive to the dragon - 10:30-1PM
Lunch - 1PM -2 PM
Meet and greet / Registration at the Top of the Fontana Dam 2:30 - 6 PM (pending weather).. Otherwise, Registration at NVNC from 5PM - 9PM.
Dinner - 6PM - 9PM at NVNC
Phil I'm leaving thursday as well so let me know where we're meeting up.....