what im kinda curious about would be how a cryrogeniclly treated seal would behave. The process will make a material have higher overall "toughness" but the fracture point will be much lower. Essentially, in materials, a material will have a point where it will not deform permanently under a load. This is the elastic region. At a certain point called the "yield point". At this point the material will not completely return to its original state once the force is removed. This isnt really a bad thing. The material, especially steel, will become stronger through atomic dislocations. But what really will matter is how large an area of plastic deformation you have to work with. Things like glass have nearly no plastic region and fracture almost before the yield point.
what it means is that the treated material will break before the non treated material as opposed to deformating under a stress. So what i want to know is how exactly will detonation work on such a seal.