Thread: exhaust help
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Old 02-19-2009, 08:57 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by lcrotaryracer View Post
how loud will it be if i take off the cat on my 87 na. I have brola mufflers and a header duel in single out. its not loud now but would it be make it unbearable.
I have the stock system except for a straight pipe where the cats are. It's my understanding that both the Borla mufflers and header will make your car louder than my stock mufflers and stock manifold. As it is now, I feel it's bearable, but for any sort of extended drive (i.e. highway) it gets to be a bit much. However, I don't have a radio so there is no drowning out of the exhaust.
1986 Sport: 132k miles, 5A (Sapphire Blue Metallic), Tokico Blues, Racing Beat Springs, Custom LED tailights (only S4 LED tails in the world), SSR Mark II, Racing Beat exhaust, S5 black interior, Rotary Resurrection rebuild at 120k miles

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Last edited by My5ABaby; 02-19-2009 at 12:00 PM.
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