I know in my TII I get significantly better mileage at or under 75mph in fifth than anything above that speed (I also have a lower secondary staging RPM due to my Rtek 1.7 ECU).
If you're below ~45mph in fifth, you very well might get better mileage in fourth gear. If I understand it correctly, most gas motors (most 4cyl, 6cyl, but especially rotaries) don't make great torque below 1,000-2,000 RPM. The rotary probably doesn't do so hot under 3K either. Somewhere in between 2,800 to 3,800 RPM for a stock FC is where I'm guessing the mileage 'sweet spot' is for cruising. Any other thoughts on that?
He isn't a killer. He just wins -- thoroughly.

'87 TII
240+ rwhp on my DIY streetport, ~13psi on stock turbo, Racing Beat REVTII exhaust 
rTek 2.1 awaits a tune
Originally Posted by need RX7
This is why I don't do politics, it's just one stupid thing after another.
360 gamertag: quick Tii