Originally Posted by Brent
......Fluidyne: Very well constructed, direct bolt in-no modifications required, water temperature dropped a 2-3 degrees if I remember correctly. It's a little more on the expensive side, but if you run into a deal on one I would buy it over a standard Koyo. Has a drain plug on the bottom..
I installed a Fluidyne a few years back. I think 150% larger than stock. Very impressed with construction, materials and overall quality, but it was pricey at (IIRC) about $400. As for installation, I thought it was "drop in" too. But like many other things on these cars, nothing is universal. I had to dremmel a little bit of the "lip" of my bumper reinforcement to get it to sit all the way down properly. Other than that, no big issues. It's been a while, but your estimate of temperature drops is probably pretty close. I think recovery after high boost sessions (like at autocross events) was also improved significantly. Absolutely NO issues since installation.