I'm sure someone with a bit of carb knowledge could easily mod a holley for boost. I have read that guide before. I have a holley 650 DP sitting here that I could prolly make work by getting the fuel inlet rail to fit the DP.
I sure wouldn't buy the full RB intake/carb setup. The intake is only $250 new. That means they are charging a premium price for the holley, just because they have modded it. I bet 1/2 the mods they do, would have to be redone in the process of trying to boost prep the carb. Besides, they use a vacuum secondary carb, which I doubt would be much good in a blow thru turbo setup.
I'm not that interested in trying to do a blow thru on my 12A, but I have considered it on the SE. A 6 port 13B, with 3mm apex seals already in place, should make a good base for a blow thru boosted monster.
Mod the holley DP and go blow thru on the SE, then get a RB intake for the 12A and place the edelbrock on it. Sounds like a good idea to me....... Maybe I'll get around to doing some/all of that, one of these days.
In the meantime, I'm still chasing bugs out of the DLIDFIS. I think I have a GM ignitor flaking out, like that would surprise me. When all 4 plugs are firing, it sounds mean as hell. When one (or more) plug(s) cut out, it sounds like pure crap. From BRAP to CRAP and back again. I'd pull my hair out, if I hadn't already cut it all off.