last night my car would not idle. i had to keep it over 1.5k and the coil's +/- were arcing to the center plug. after reading jeff's response this mourning i swaped the red to green wires on the plug connector. the pic from the fsm is how i had it wired, then the pic of the plug shows how i swapped the red for green/ green for red. the fsm pic is good to tell you which is for leading which is for trailing and thats it. after i did that i greased up the coil/spark wires.
i started the car no more arcing and it idles better then before.
when i went to get gas, a ex spooked me when i was about to pull away from the pump. i took my foot off the clutch and with no gas my car didnt stall and started moving in 1st gear. at the first line under 1k in the tachometer. i thought only diesel cars could do this lol.
i guess thats proof DLIDFIS is a stronger spark.
Last edited by warwickben; 08-17-2008 at 03:30 PM.