Marc Heynderickx and his friends are constantly scamming themselves and others and projecting it onto me for calling them out. However they tried to scam me after pretending to befriend me again but i took them to court and they lost.
Pineapple racing and fd3s engineering are scam shops. They steal parts and cars, how do you think Marc got those fd's? They run all the groups, pages, social sites and can silence anyone who speaks out against them.
Here is their most recent scam and some scams they pulled on others who brought in new Pineapple Racing motors to my shop.
They cannot press bearings in and do not stand by their builds.
The moderators and admins run the shops and pull all proof of their scams.. but I'm getting paid no matter their qanon style slander..
They might try to flip it but they have zero proof to their accusations.. that is why they ban me from their Facebook page. I call them out and prove they are projecting their scams on me to run more scams.
Marc melted down on the rx7club and then pulled the threads. I screenshot all of it and will repost it in a video ge cannot pull soon. Meanwhile, building the gtus...