If you look in the nw section of the other club you will see Marc attacking my 15yr old kid...
they use my 15yr old autistic kid to scam me saying he is not real or active and it is me.
both my wifecand kid publicly stating for Marc Heynderickx to stop harassing them:
there will be threads all over the internet as this will be pulled or locked due to bias moderators, complicit to the theft.
No, I am not a scammer despite Marc Heynderickx lies and slander...
This point was made to me, I think it's all that needs said now:If there was a legitimize claim, post the proof. Rx7 central requires proof of transaction before you can make claims.
Not one person who has made a claim against Joe maddox has provided proof to a transaction.
Fb screenshots of group shit talk is not proof... watch:
I bought a transmission off of Jared and paid him through PayPal. I was going to drive up and get it that following weekend. He drifted it that weekend then tried to sell it to me after he beat on it. I wanted a refund, he said no. I had to file a claim with PayPal to get my money back.
See how this works? So prove it.
I was scammed by Akil Service, Trey Reese and Marc Heynderickx. These Rotary Power Northwest members in Oregon worked together to assure this blown 13b motor could be sold as a running motor.
here was their claim:
Here is the TL;DR minute proof:
Here is the readers digest version proving what they did:
I am going to do a very descriptive thread with great detail as to how and why this happened. I am awaiting the courts as the sheriff's are serving papers now. I will update the thread once the courts have reached a decision.