I'm going to copy and paste the response Marc Heynderickx is working on removing right now a fellow rotary owner posted... ten I'll touch on Marc's attempt to say Becky here is not real again...
If there was a legitimize claim, post the proof. Rx7 central requires proof of transaction before you can make claims.
Not one person who has made a claim against Joe maddox has provided proof to a transaction.
Fb screenshots of group shit talk is not proof... watch:
I bought a transmission off of Jared and paid him through PayPal. I was going to drive up and get it that following weekend. He drifted it that weekend then tried to sell it to me after he beat on it. I wanted a refund, he said no. I had to file a claim with PayPal to get my money back.
See how this works? So prove it.
I see Marc Heynderickx has made a lot of baseless claims about Joe maddox. His wife and son have stated he has vener used their identitys. There is no proof to the claims made in all the screen shots. This group claimed his wife did not exist and said it was him. Permanent ban. There are threads proving that he was banned for not paying to be a vendor.
The created accounts are made by the rotary power northwest and rx7 argument group. NOT Joe maddox. He told me this and showed me He is Joe maddox on this site, on facebook and on youtube. He does not use fake profiles but gets trolled by those who do.
Joe maddox shut down the original argument group and had dozens of slanderous posts made about him here.
The slander campaign Marc is putting off is a distraction that he was Joe maddox friend until he was called out by him for:
Getting kicked out of his school for scamming the computer lab with another person.
Getting kicked out of his shop in beaverton for scamming his customers and betraying his engine builder, removed by the building owner Apex Auto Salon.
Getting investigated for insurance fraud for stripping his own car and filing a claim for theft..
Lives at his family's home and runs his shop there because of it.
Had a dozen friends cars "stolen" and filed claims identical to his after he stripped his here.
All this can be shown by threads here in the nw he is tagged in.
He calls Bob Putman scum until Bob gets a cosmo then Marc's his friend again. Did this same thing with his previous engine builder Daniel leed, called him a crazy Crack head.
Marc Heynderickx projects, his crew scams:
Kyle helped akil through Marc do this out of spite.
Here is the Joe I meet:
A family man, good guy and not interested in this drama but saddened that it is still going. I think it's wrong.
Joe maddox has constantly proven Marc Heynderickx is a scammer but Marc is a computer engineer who spends his days online and has had everything removed, locked up after creating false statements..