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Old 04-04-2021, 11:52 AM   #4
the spyder
Rotary Fan in Training
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 38
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the spyder is on a distinguished road
I'm going to pull one from the hand book of Joe Maddox here and copy paste this from the club.

1) Joe Maddox is banned from this site for multiple infractions across dozens of fake profiles starting around 2011. This is easy to find with just a quick search. This ranges from scamming people by never sending parts, sending the wrong parts, sending damaged and wrong parts, lying about shipping, using PayPal accounts that were in his wife Becky's name and underaged Son Liam's. He would then harass, guilt trip, and stalk those memebers. It was common to find posts where the buyer would say Joe convinced him he was just having a bad week and to delete the feedback. This happened over two years and multiple fake accounts. He was allowed back, briefly - but again, slander/lies/harassment were his end. The list goes on, as he continues to slander the club to this day. What seemed to finally sealed the deal was the harassment and threats towards moderators, including Oregon based RW-7. Much of this has been cleaned up over the years, but the moderators stance is still clear. Joe is not and will not be welcome on this site.

2) Joe Maddox is banned from the local Rotary community. This is for the same reasons above. He has sold bad motors to local club members, sold wrong/bad parts, harassed and stalked members. His toxic personality has not been welcome for a DECADE. His latest lies include attempting to include two individuals as part of RPNW who traded him for an engine. In the same lie, he attempts to include myself despite never meeting these people. Joe would love for you to believe his fan-fiction about my life, but sadly like most poorly written satire, it's just too far from reality and crazy for anyone to believe.

I'll make this as clear as I can for anyone who comes across this post. Joe Maddox is a mentally ill person who suffers from being a psychological liar. He is a stalker. If you do not believe his "version" of the facts, you're a liar/thief/threatens your friends and family/stalks you. Joe's efforts to discredit myself and other local shops has been a complete failure. His toxic attitude and metal illness have made him a joke to the entire rotary community on social media. There's no recovering from this, he will be known for years to come as someone to never deal with - and it's 100% due to his own actions.

Joe Maddox attempts to use older forums like this, No Pistons, etc - as an echo box to spread "his" story of slander and lies. His only goal is to cast doubt on the facts and the people who hold him accountable. It does not work. My only comment is that it's funny because those he tricks into reading it agree he's insane and untrustworthy. It's almost like fabricating all of these lies backfires in his face, constantly.
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