Originally Posted by t_g_farrell
So is it really low on compression or was the test done poorly? How well does it run or not? How do you know its not just a fuel issue?
I don't know how to answer your first question about "done poorly", since I'm neither a mechanic nor do I work in the service department that performed the test. I can tell you it was done at a Mazda dealership (
Byers Mazda, Columbus, OH). But to answer your other questions, here's the full scoop:
Earlier in the year I started experiencing issues with starting the engine when it was already warm. It cold started just fine. But once I had been driving for a while and it had warmed up, if I made a quick stop, like getting gas, it didn't always restart as easily (sometimes fine, sometimes I would have to try 2-3 times). However, if it had time to cool a bit, like say going to a store and it sat for like 20-30 minutes, it restarted just fine.
So I suspected a compression issue at that point and had a test done at a Mazda dealership and they confirmed it, but it wasn't too bad (don't have the results handy). This was maybe around March. Then in late July I was driving home one day and even with my foot on the gas the power and RPMs kept dropping intermittently. It stalled once and I managed to restart it and make it home. That's when I had it towed to Byers Mazda and they told me about the fuel pump issue and also did the second compression test, the results of which I posted in the picture.
Currently, the engine will turn over, but it immediately dies after a few seconds.