Originally Posted by hades
Looking bad ass man
Thanks buddy!
Originally Posted by chibikougan
Well you got rid of a bit of the red in the engine bay...
The bay will be getting painted before final assembly. It doesn't make sense to paint before all the fab work is done. The new paint would get destroyed.
Originally Posted by TitaniumTT
 There was a list, dimple dies were not on it.... Yes we did chat about it but I'm getting old, and was in a hurry.... I know you understand the old part and forgetting thing, and we know you don't understand the hurry thing.... 4 months ago was the perfect example.... Didn't hurt up with the car, forgot to go 
Fucking SIGGED!
Originally Posted by speedjunkie
It sure does.
I have the Ganador mirrors and I've been meaning to run ducting through the little opening and through the window and down my shirt or wherever haha. Either that or making a scoop to sit on the edge of the moonroof to pull air from there and into the car. These cars don't get shit for airflow, even with the windows and moonroof/sunroof open.
Pro tip leave the drivers window closed, tilt the sunroof and open the passenger window. It creates a nice little whirlwind in the car and you'll get a nice breeze.
Originally Posted by Fendamonky
That looks fucking GREAT Mike!! Def liking the progress 
Thanks man!