The receipt does state that it's "low," but it doesn't mention any numbers...
That's kinda lame.
I find it hard to believe that a ~100k engine is already in need of replacement?!?
Maybe this is just a totally difference beast than a 2nd gen non-turbo...
I am, too, working on a customer's '04 model, and I have to agree what others have already mentioned...
Fix as much things as cheaply as you can and...dump the car.
I know at least these first year model have a lot of headaches.
It's going to take a combination of a lot of money, time, and a competent mechanic to address all of it.
Is that worth it to you?
i don't think so if it entails a $5k replacement engine...
If you REALLY love the car, then by all means keep it...
But from an economical point of view, it isn't.