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Old 06-29-2008, 08:53 AM   #4
The Newbie
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buddyboy555 is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by buddyboy555 View Post
Hi, I have not bled the clutch and no new parts. Ten blocks from home I could smell something like burning garbage, at the next corner I shifted down to 2nd gear and the clutch pedal went half way to the floor. It shifted good up and down the rest of the way home. When I turned into my driveway and rolled up to the garage the car had already died. I checked under the hood to see if anything was burning. It looked OK. I went to start the engine and it would not start. It seemed like it was flooded. I held the acceleraton too the floor and it finnaly started. I had to keep the RPM's up to keep it running. I put the car in 1st gear and drove it into the garage. Since then it won't start no matter what I do. I have spark to the plugs and I can smell raw gas. Please help. buddyboy555.
I did fill the clutch reservoir with brake fluid and now the clutch pedal came back up and I only have about 3/4 inch free travel.
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