The tranny is making noise. I don't know what to do. Used TII tranny and Mazdatrix DS (quite a bit of money) or rebuild the NA tranny.
I don't know how long until the tranny dies so i have to decide soon.
Needs new crush washers for the oil cooler lines. Dunno the condition of the lines themselves yet. 200K+ miles rearing it's ugly face.
If I go TII tranny I'll need this:
-TII flywheel $300.
-TII slave cylinder $20
-TII starter $100
-Mazdatrix DS $300
-TII Tranny = $200 to $500 (depends if it's local or shipped).
Total = $900 to $1400 to go TII tranny (not including any labor since I'll do it myself, most likely). I can try to reduce costs a tad more but it's a realistic figure right now (lightweight flywheel is the only expensive unnecessary cost).
I already have an extra exceddy clutch kit for the TII so I'M ALMOST AHEAD.
I dunno how much to fix the tranny yet (going tomorrow to get a quote) so I dunno which way to go.
Originally Posted by Monkman33
But I've learned that people that don't like guns, tend to like stretched tires.
Which makes perfect sense. They are sacrificing safety either way. lol
Last edited by Phoenix7; 06-08-2008 at 02:34 PM.