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Old 06-02-2008, 09:50 PM   #2
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they probably do have better wear resistance but the cost per plate seems to be more than some shops charge for a rebuild... also as a cnc machinist i can tell you from working with all types of carbide coatings that carbide while extremely durable is also extremely brittle and i doubt it will be of any benefit if your car starts detonating or blows up. once that carbide coating is scratched that housing is complete garbage. the aluminum base wont last that long if something scratches through or your engine starts knocking really bad, and you wont be able to lap or re-surface any possible defects out, as it is just too soft once the coating metal is compromised.

It seems to me that while they are a specialty product for a specialty use your better off money wise and for all practical purposes just to stick with the stock irons. which more than a few members have had great success in making massive hp and reliably. i wouldnt say that at nearly $1800 a piece it would be a sound investment that would offer you many benefits over the stock pieces.

my two cents is if the weight savings is what your after, removing your PS and AC will net you about the same amount. or take out the passenger seat and spare tire.

EDIT: after thinking about these for some time i would also be interested to see how they handle or control warpage and deformation. the factory irons "flex" somewhat between the housings as the engine is stressed when running but i wonder if an aluminum piece would be strong enough to resist both compressing and twisting. my thoughts are usually along the lines that if using an aluminum plate provided such a huge advantage then mazda surely would have used it instead of cast and coated iron like they did. with all the money and time they spent in R&D on these engines you can be sure mazda tried and tested damn near every combination of materials. so there must be a reason they went with cast iron.
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Last edited by Cp1; 06-02-2008 at 10:04 PM.
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