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Old 03-01-2008, 08:18 PM   #1
Rotary Fanatic
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Worth Rebuilding?

I started removing my engine prior to accepting a six month contract away from home. In one month the contract will be finished and I will be headed back home to finish the rebuild.

I have 200K on my vert and it was running fine (but smoked heavily when first started after not being driven for three or more days) when I decided to do the rebuild.

Why! (Skip if you are interested in a long read).I made this decision because I did not want to wait until it has hand grenaded and also because a year before I had a shop put a clutch in. Unfortunately, with only 1K miles on the clutch since install, it is acting goofy. So, instead of bitching to the shop and such, I decided I might as well go ahead and pull the clutch myself to check it out. And since I was willing to do that, I might as well go ahead and rebuild the engine.

So, a few minutes ago, I was reading the Rotary Response and Racing website, and they seem to be of the opinion that a 19 year old engine may not have very many reusable parts in it. The reason I wanted to rebuild prior to pop.

Now mind you, this engine has never even sneezed or burped, let-alone been opened, or had any kind of problem other than the smoking mentioned above.

So, here are the questions...

(1) What do you think the chances are that RRR is right and there is not much that is reusable?

If the consensus is 'not much', then I might as well get a reman from Mazda and hope that it has a lot of new (or at least a lot less than 19 year old) parts in it.

(2) If I decide to go with a Mazda Reman, will they accept a core that has been dis- and re-assembled?
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