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Old 02-03-2013, 11:08 PM   #3
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Bose CD player Deck

Most likely the CD pickup Assembly is out in your system this is common with cd players. once in A while I will find A bad spindle motor but rare. Some models you can look at the pickup assembly and match it up online electronic suppliers such as mcm and even ebay has some pickups for may cd applications. most new pickups when you receave them have the lazer diode shunted to ground to protect them in shipping. requires you to remove A ball of solder before operation. should be noted in your new assembly if not ask the supplier about this as it will save alot of stress as to why the new pickup dosen't function. ben down that road. As far as the spindle you can usualy tell if the disk atempts to spin. which mostly clears up the question of the spindle motor.
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