05-08-2008, 12:24 PM
Rotary Fanatic
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Kodak, TN
Posts: 104
Rep Power: 18
Air temps, what should they be?
Im wanting to know what my air temp range should be around if i am getting decent cooling from the intercooler. My setup right now is ok but my commander says around 55C (130F) and it was about 80-85F outside. engine temp was 88C (190F).
also has anyone ran anything like this http://www.designengineering.com/pro...sp?m=sp&pid=72

PwrFC, Twins @ 14lbs, 1300 sec w/supra pump,
smic w/ pettit intake, M2 cf intake, 3in downp-mid w/ Carbon Ti,
mazda perf radiator, dvd/tv, mazdaspeed cf lip and cf feed sides, SSR sp1's 18-9's and 10's - 255-275
re-a diffuser, and 99front and wing soon.