GPE FD3S Radiator Opening Tow Hook FS
UP FOR SALE GPE C-West/RE-A Brake Duct Tow Hooks
10 units available
Price - $65 + shipping (If you also purchase available rear tow hook package deal price of $120 + Shipping)
These tow hooks fit most bumpers. Note this tow hook DOES NOT fit the Mazdaspeed GTC front bumper, as well as most front mount inter-cooler packages. Additionally, these units are an updated design with the tow hook extensions being 3" shorter design compared to previous models by suggestion of customer inputs.
These units bolt onto existing bolt points on the chassis.
If you have questions or are interested in purchasing feel free to PM me.
Last edited by afgmoto1978; 02-01-2013 at 09:32 PM.