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Old 10-12-2012, 04:52 PM   #4
The Newbie
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Rome, Ga.
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madrid'sFC3 is on a distinguished road
Definitely do all of the above! If you do decide to keep the OMP, best to change the oil every 2000 miles. By the time your motor goes thru 1 qt of oil (that's roughly what a healthy motor burns thru) you've hit 2000 miles so instead of adding another qt., its best just to change the filter and oil. Now I use castroll conventional (no synthetic whatsoever!!) 10w40. I haven't had any problems so far. No oil leaks or low oil pressure. But idk if anyone else uses any other grades or brands.

Also stay on top of your coolant. Rotary engines don't like hear and if it over hears then start praying. Lol jk. Rotary engine run hotter than piston engines and so coolant is a big thing to stay on top of.

And just the usual plugs and wires. I change my plugs and wires, along with my fuel filter every 15k miles. Just to be on the safe side. And my transmission fluid I check and if not drain and fill every 6 months or every 30k miles. My car used to be automatic and I didn't check the tranny fluid and the tranny blew so I learned my lesson the hard way. Don't let it go unchecked.

I'm sure you may be a little over whelmed at how tedious and a little annoying it may be to maintain and take care of rotary engines but its just part of owning one. They are great reliable engines with tons and TONS of power potential!! Hope you enjoy it!
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