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Old 10-09-2012, 02:51 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Raksj04 View Post
I swapped in a JDM motor that is suppost to be a S4 motor, but it looks like the Primary fuel rail has a Pluse damper built into it, which I thought was S5,
Are the fuel rails cast aluminum or tube steel?
Cast aluminum = S4
Tube steel = S5
Also, JDM motors typically have the fuel routing backwards:
fuel line from fuel pump -> fuel filter -> *secondary fuel rail* -> *primary fuel rail* -> fuel line return back to fuel tank

The US-spec 13BT's always go primary fuel rail first and then secondary with the FPR in the secondary rail.

there is a Knock sensor in the center iron.
S4 = center iron
S5 = (rear?) rotor housing

However the Turbo has a twin scroll actutor, the alt is a S4 plug style. I noticed this while I was changing a broken fuel line. I am not worried or anything just confuzzed. Is it just JDM or is it a s4.5 or something?
Sounds straight up S4 to me...

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Originally Posted by TitaniumTT View Post
because you're only as good as your backup
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