Originally Posted by speedjunkie
Brian, for the record, my car idles HORRIBLY with the ISC hooked up, but with it unhooked and idling just based on the throttle body settings, it idles fine. Just so you know lol. We've been trying to figure it out for the past year or two, and I've finally just given up and I'm running it blocked now. Well, the ISC is still there, but not hooked up, so it's my blockoff plate lol. I still have the connector, and once I feel like trying to fix it again, I may do that. But for now it's useless.
As for the ground, I didn't follow you very well I don't believe, but did you say the ground wires go through the ISC wiring? And you removed the ISC plug? If you did that, how are you going to add the ISC back in? When I stripped mine down to single turbo, I just unwrapped it completely and de-pinned them from where they connect to the ECU. I'm not sure if you're doing it this way, but it might make things easier, despite how long it takes.
Yes I've stripped everything down and was de-pinnin them from the plugs that go into the ecu. If I need to hook the ISC back up I will just plug the pins right back in and run the wires back through.
Here is a picture of the grounding wire. There were a few junctions but everything from them is removed. It's just a stray wire leading into an ecu Pinout. Since its a ground I'm just not sure if I should just de pin it or solder it back into another ground.